Our start in G Scale 2005 -2006 Full Steam Ahead

Please come back in a few days time.

Close Ups of the Photo-Composite of the Kiruna Station Area - white spaces inaccessible due to tree above
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A powered track cleaning loco is an essential for a garden like this - with so much debris falling onto the track each day. Through tracks in stations make this easier, whilst dead-end sidings make it harder. However, sidings are appropriate to support the local industry which provides the freight trains to run. The layout was in frequent use each evening, alongside the BBQ when appropriate. Covered storage alongside the BBQ and the rear allowed 2 or 3 trains to be left out overnight. Control progressed through MTS2 Serial, to Parallel, MTS3+Massoth Navigator - which proved incompatible with having many locos, and so to Massoth Dimax800 and Crest 10A SMPS.

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The platforms of Woody Bay lay beneath the LNB assembly of the steerable Satellite dish, making manual access more difficult.

The Full composite diagram
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(Copyright Phil and Lin Spiegelhalter 2000-2016)